Yambutta & Corowa

Yambutta and Corowa are the two properties leased by 2DE, that are specifically dedicated to breeding supermarket spec weaners. Both properties are located West of Quilpie and feature lightly shaded flood out country, soft mulga, black soil and Mitchell grass flats.

Beilberanga / Callitris / Boralley

Beilberanga has been established for backgrounding with newly appointed pneumatic yards featuring an automated drafting system to maximise staff safety and maintain a low-stress environment for the livestock.

Callitris & Boralley are divided between backgrounding and broad acre cropping. Along with being a base for the 2DE contracting equipment.

Beverley / McCons / Olivia

Similarly set up to Callitris, these properties are a mix of broad acre cropping and prime grazing country. Featuring rich black soil paddocks and heavy buffle coverage - perfect for backgrounding or breeding.


A well equipped property for finishing cattle, Bellevue is primarily a feedlot operation with a bonus of over 400ha of highly productive cropping country used for silage, hay and grain.